Monday, December 15, 2008


My Dad's Funeral will be Thursday, Dec. 18th at 10 am, with a viewing from 9 am to 9:45 am. The Funeral will be at the LDS Church Building on Harris between Gilbert and McKellips.


Tammy said...

Dearest Kristina,
Bless your heart and those of your family, I just found out , you have been in my thoughts this week , must have been the reason.I know this will be hard , even though you have known it is coming. Try to think of the Joy your Dad is having right now free from the bands of illness, and this human body that tied him down for so long. In the arms of our Savior , I know he is saying well done thou good and faithful servant come into my rest and I will give you peace.
We love your family please give them our love, and if there is ANYTHING our family can do for yours we are but a phone call away.I'll be in touch.

Shannon said...

Kristina, I just found out about your Dad and just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and your sweet family. I read through your last couple posts and sit her in awe at how strong you are. I would love to be at the funeral, but my 4 year old has her preschool Christmas program. Know that I am thinking about you and hope all is well. I would love to get together whenever you feel up to it. Take care. Lots of love, Shannon

jeanna eggers said...

Kristina, I just found your blog. I was so sad to hear about your dad. Your family has been in my prayers. The knowledge of the gospel plan is such a blessing!

You have such a cute little family and congrats on the new baby! I guess she's not that new anymore but I had fun reading your blog!
