Doesn't the saying going something like, "the family that works together stays together."??? Try to convince my kids and even Joel if you can catch the sarcasm in his picture, of that theory.
There was a ton of yard work to be done as well as a ton of flowers to be planted as you can see. We actually had a good time and enjoy being outside in the nice weather.
I have been creating beautiful lashes for over a year and a half. I was professionally trained and certified. I did not receive my "training" from someone who was trained by somebody else out of somebody elses home. This is appearing everywhere. It is important to make sure your lash technician has been professionally trained and certified. Our lashes are delicate and there are certain rules and techniques that are important for your lashes to maintain their health and beauty.
I just found your blog, 'close' to mine. I immediately recognized you were a LDS family and read about you. I'm writing from Italy. Ciao
Oh Joel, the Kind of sarcasm. I truly love that thumbs up picture. Nice !
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