Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sweet Bug-A-Boo

For those of you who don't know, Peyton's little nickname is Bug-A-Boo. I have no idea where it came from we have just called her that since she was born. Anyway, she is quite the little busy body to say the least and is always getting in to everything. And the dishwasher is no exception. If you take your eye off her for more than 2 or 3 minutes she will have managed to find something she should not be in. And here she is, cute as a button, chillin' on the dishwasher. Emptying whatever she could get her hands on. Thanks for the help bug-a-boo.


Sarah S. said...

She is so beautiful! I think I would just eat her cheeks all day long if I could. I'm sure she is not short changed on getting loves.

Full House said...

Oh the bug a boo. Love her. What a sweet post about Wyatt in the car. Hope you found the cookie recipe. It was linked to one of my posts a month or so ago. Let me know if you have any trouble.

Jake and Jenny said...

It is funny how little nicknames just stick! She is such a little cutie! Tessa is drawn to the dishwasher too, and my plastic storage cupboard!

Kami Milliron said...

Oh my little Buggie ! Bring her over, I need a smooch !

Shannon said...

what a doll! love all your new updates! hope you are doing well!

Kelsea said...


Debbie said...

Please don't tell me that is Peyton sitting in the dishwasher!!! She can't possibly be that big already!!