Friday, August 7, 2009

Growing Relationships

I love nothing more than to watch my children create relationships together. I love to see them take care of one another, laugh together and of course torment each other. It's all part of the fun. Wyatt and Peyton are really starting to play together, it is so cute to watch them. He loves her so much and is constantly looking out for her. He loves to smother her with hugs and kisses, try to make her laugh, and always makes sure she has food. (No I don't neglect feeding her, she just likes to eat ALL the time). This afternoon Wyatt took her by the hand to the table, helped her get in a chair and then proceeded to get the strawberries out of the refrigerator, wash them and with a butter knife cut off the tops. He then gave them to Peyton because "she was hungry." So sweet.

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And here of course is the tormenting. Tait thought it would be funny to tape Dylan up. I'm not sure how funny Dylan thought it was but Tait sure enjoyed himself. Actually, as usual, Dylan was a good sport about it and played along just fine.

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And then of course there are again, the sweet moments. Tait and Dylan adore Peyton and are always trying to give her hugs and kisses. She is not the cuddly type so most of the time she resists it. But on occasion she will walk up to them and give them hugs. And then of course she'll try to "beat up" on them and they play along and let her. She just giggles endlessly. They are so good to her.

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A couple days ago a little boy in Peyton's swim class slapped her across the face because she was crying and it really hurt her feelings. Tait heard me telling Joel about it on the phone and as I was talking to Joel I noticed he left the house without saying anything. I had a feeling he was going to find the little boy. I jumped in the car to go chase him down, (he was on his electric scooter) and I found him going through the back gate where they were at for their swim lessons. I yelled from the car for him to go back to the house. When he got home I asked him what he was going to do and he said "Tell the little boy he needed to apologize to my sister." It melted my heart. What a sweet boy. He wanted to protect his sister and make sure that nobody was mistreating her. I explained that the little boy was only two and probably just wouldn't understand.


Kami Milliron said...

Good ol' Tait : ) He is a good kid. You have very good kids, all of them. I love the bond they have and hope that my children have that same bond someday.

Jen said...

the duck tape is hilarious!